Monday, September 1, 2014

Washington Island Weekend

Labor Day weekend and we headed up to Washington Island for a family weekend.  Pat, Randy, Jon, mom and Brittany even flew in for the weekend.  

We headed up with two cars, 6 people, 2 dogs, 2 kayaks and 4 bikes.  

Stopped just outside of Sister Bay at Seaquist Farms to see what was happening with the cherry harvest.
Then headed towards the ferry at Gills Rock.

We made it for the 4pm because it was running late.  

First stop was to drop everything off at the house we were renting.  We brought stuff in and then had to go down to the lake just because the view was so amazing (house not so much:(...)

Then we headed over to my fave restaurant on the island, Sailors Pub.  The day started off cloudy and foggy buy ended quite nicely.  Lovely sunset!

We had to wait for our table and our food quite a whole so by the time we got back, it was quite dark.  As we walked into the house, we had a visitor decide he'd like our company so he flew in quicker than we knew.  And for about 5 minutes Britty screamed in the bathroom with the door closed, Pat ran around in the deck while mom and I laughed and Randy valiantly chased Mr Bat with a broom.  He finally popped the bat one long enough that it fell to the ground stunned and Randy swept it out the door.  Friday evening entertainment complete!

Saturday, Randy, Brit, Jon and I biked around for a while and stopped at Schoolhouse Beach.

Only to get a downpour dumped on us as we left so we rode back to the beach and jumped under the overpass at the bathroom and hung out there until it calmed down...

Saturday afternoon, grandma, Jon and I took a little drive around and stopped at the lavender farm.  We stopped in the shop to enjoy the smells and - I guess everyone got to enjoy the sights of us!...

Dinner at KK Fiske with some father/son fuossball!

And then back to the house for games.  
Some bad!...:(

That's my newly discovered "Farkle face" by the way as I've discovered how much I truly hate and don't care about this game and would prefer torture to playing it.

Some good!
Then there's Mexican Train that I'm actually ok with and rather liked playing!

Sunday is a new day!  We'll see what vacation brings tomorrow! 

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