Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Long Flight - Hello Asia!

13 hours!  We're finally on the ground!  The older I get the longer long flights seem to get!

I just stood in line to board a limousine bus to Shinjinku ...

My eyes are heavy but I'm determined to stay awake until bed!

A boring flight it was not.  I chose my seat wisely I thought... 33C - exit row by the bathrooms, aisle seat.  It's that exit row that has all the space between you and the next row and the flight attendant jump seats are facing you - bathrooms convienently and annoyingly located to the right.  I was seated next to a cute, petite Asian couple who actually were American Asians still with those little accents.  The wife was about 60 with a white "Hello Kitty" hoodie on - complete with a hood with hello kitty ears which she wore most of the flight.  No comment...

I started the flight with an airline snack that made me chuckle ... 
I didn't eat it...

And towards the end of the flight when they were passing out disgusting trays of powdered eggs, I grabbed the treat my awesome Sean brought me this morning!

So my aside from food flight adventure!...
Midway through the flight I was sitting in my seat with all kinds of snoozing heads nodding all around me, intent on a new Aries I downloaded on my laptop.  BBC with Daniel Craig, Archangel --- if you are interested in Russian history it's a must.  I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.  But then noticed a woman come to that open area and stand presumably to wait for the bathroom.  I looked up for some reason and she just looked strange so I kept looking - and she kept looking stranger - and then all of a sudden - bam, she fell backwards, hitting her head on the exit door!

Because everyone else was snoozing, I was the only one to see and jumped up and just tried to get her eyes open.  She opened them briefly and then I jumped back over to my seat and pushed the call button a few times.   I was kneeling by the woman just trying to keep her from falling over into the crack by the door and he jump seat and finally some attendants came and the hello kitty woman was awake by this time.  So here we are, 4 flight attendants, me standing in the aisle - this poor woman sprawled out on the floor in this tiny area by the bathroom.  They got he oxygen tank and were fixing her oxygen when Hello Kitty woman volunteered she was a retired ICU nurse fr New Jersey.  They ended up calling into a hospital on the ground and they had her laying there with oxygen for a while and ended up icing her bumped head and by the end of the flight she came back to thank us and say she was sorry to inconvenience us.  

Well, that took up like an hour of the flight... So I just had to entertain myself for 12 more...:)

But seriously - people are pretty stupid... There's a woman sprawled out on the floor and they're hell bent they've gotta go that way to the bathroom but you know it's that gapers stare thing going on.... And then there's his tiny Caucasian/Asian looking lady who must have gotten up about 20 times during the flight and was litterally doing this gymnastic stretching thing all up and down the aisle, so when fainting lady is laying here, Caucasian/Asian is doing stretches RIGHT by us - in fact she brushes the flight armed any head with her foot on one of her stretches.  Argh... People...

So I landed and turned my phone on... I feel very very loved as all of my Asian country friends either emailed or texted me with panic demands of why didn't I tell them i was coming and comments of that sort.  Honestly friends!  It was a last minute trip so it was not premeditated exclusion!;)  In fact - this is the first international trip I've ever done where I only brought a carry on.  It's seriously crazy!  It feels like I just flew to D.C. Or San Francisco or something - not Tokyo! The only thing I have in my bag besides my stuff is two jars of Nutella for my friend Seiko!  I begged her to let me bring other stuff!  I feel like I don't get my monies worth if I don't bring 3 bags!:)

It's getting dark now - the weather is nice like when I left home.  I plan on grabbing some bring to eat and falling into bed!  I have training session with our private label company tomorrow morning - but thank goodness not too early!

Night night from Tokyo!

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