I did get a little sad again when, after eating, I opened my suitcase to get my workout gear out to go down to the treadmill. I discovered that I had left my running clothes on the back of the door at the last hotel I was at :( So sad! It was my favorite running shirt ever and I was just so so sad. I called and I'm hoping that they didn't just throw my stuff so I can pick it up tomorrow when I head back to the airport. I'm trying to tell myself that its just clothes, but I do love them...
I also wanted to post this one picture that I took on my phone. Its a house in Salem, OH. Check out the chimneys as they're totally cool!

Well, I've done some room-work-out, gotten warmed up and finished the book I was reading. I think its almost time for bed. I just wanted everyone to know that I'm in a better place now -- oh -- and I think that maybe the guy that I wanted to take off the cliff with me -- he might have read my blog as when I got to my room, I brought up e-mail and he had written me an apology note. Hmmm.... I guess maybe I send off scary vibes via the internet waves! :)
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