I had the fam over for dinner namely because I felt like cooking -- at 11pm after an exhausting day I ask myself WHY???? And then my tummy gives a contented little sigh and everyone's "ooos and aaahhhs" reminds me --- OH! I remember why I do it! I love to eat!
I actually set my alarm for 7 a.m. today because I planned to do some smoking.... No, not the Marlbourough kind, but the big slap of beef butt kind. I stoked up my new smoker and laid in a nice big 10 lb beef brisket that had been sitting overnight with a fabulous Weber Grill rub on it. I used some hickory wood chips and then had to stoke the think about 4 times during the day. It was kind of exhausting, but it did turn out wonderfully.
We ended up with dualing grills on the back patio as I did a nice little steam packet of veggies. I held back from doing even more veggies as I tend to do way too much. I figured I'd learned from the past. And wouldn't you know it - I probably could have used more beans or something in that packet as the bowl was pretty much wiped clean.
I mixed together green beans, carrots, red bell peppers, onions and then drizzled olive oil over the top and tossed on some fresh oregano and stuck rosemary all over in the packet. Then I carried the thing out and stuck it on the good old Weber Grill which was cozied up nicely to the side of my Brinkman Smoker. AHH - the smells!

The dualing grills - on the left we have the Weber Grill and on the right we have the Brinkman Smoker. Who can decide which is best!

I was so busy with the food that I never even did get pictures of the family:( Which there was even a new "baby". Andy and Liz have adopted a new little chocolate lab, Maverick, and so Andy brought him over (Liz had to work). We had the Nemeths, the Behns and the Lees - everyone filled up the back porch and had a great time eating and greeting!
Happy Memorial Day!
I can attest: it was very good! I must've eaten too much because one of the legs of the chair I was sitting on went right through the deck. 'Course, that was BEFORE I ate. *sigh* Actually, the wood was pretty rotted despite anything Alison might say to the contrary.
Hmmm... me thinks the lady does protest too much....
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