I took a quick hour to stop by some other infamous Canton landmarks later in the afternoon.
My first stop was the First Ladies National Museum. Part of the museum is in the Saxton House which was President McKinley's wife's, Ida, family home. McKinley was from Canton but this house is the only remaining house that has links to McKinley. There is also an old bank next door that contains a big library and another exhibit for the first ladies. Both of these building had both been redone and were absolutely beautiful buildings.

The other famous location I stopped by, but didn't tour (I didn't really tour the First Ladies Museum either, but I walked through part of it) was the Pro Footbal Hall of Fame. I bypassed the ticket booth where adult tickets were going for $38!!!! I probably wouldn't have even paid $2 to tour the place, but I did beeline for the gift shop! :)

And now you've had a mini tour of the famous spots in Canton, OH. I tried to snap a few shots of the local Amish, but they were speeding by so quicly in their little buggies that all you could see were flashes of white and black as their caps whizzed by. They have one of the world's largest Amish colonies in this area.
Oh - here's a little tidbit to add on from yesterday's blog. So, I found out that the name Cuyahoga (which is what the river is here that feeds into the Ohio) is from an Indian word (surprise!) Kaihoghha which actually means "crooked". If you looked at an aerial view of the Cuyahoga River, its distance "as the crow flies" is about 30 miles in length, but because of all the snaking and twisting, it actually runs for 90 miles. Crazy! It really is a beautiful area with cliffs and waterfalls and all kinds of nature. Can't wait to get back to run more of the Canal trail!
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