So the good news is - is that I was HOME! Yes, I've been home ALL WEEK! In fact, its been a little tedious and dreary being in the office. Although, I've actually felt a little human as I've developed this routine with work, dog, work out, home. I could do it for another week and its seems as if I will be as my trip for next week was cancelled.
I meant to post this earlier, but I have to say what a extraordinarily beautiful weekend it was this past weekend. Warm and sunny and altogether perfect. Heres a few picts from the sunny weekend.... We had a fantastic sermon last Sunday from I Cor regarding Love (its part of a series Pr is preaching through). It was phenominal - about what love looks like. I had to post this as I had taken these picts right prior to the service with some of my Sunday School kids.... TOO ADORABLE!

And so today is Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend. It will be a little busy as I've got friends here and I have to make a trek out to Northbrook to deliver a bunch of backpacks and other goodies from a church collection we did for this orphanage in Romania that we have missionaries with. There are these Romanian people that basically have a big shipping container that they ship, via boat, to Romania every few months and they have super low prices to ship there. I think they do it primarily for people who have moved here from Romania and still have family back there. It takes a while for them to get it, but I can ship a couple hundred pounds for about $100 or so - can't beat that! Over and out - enjoy your weekend if I don't post again!
that birdfeeder is tipping over. Probably needs to be reinforced. Get Alan on that, will ya? (laughing)
Better idea - take birdfeeder down... You know the reason its tipping....Our sister's batty dog bolts on the door and grabs onto that thing like its been standing in the yard taunting her. She'll literally go in circles around the pole with it gripped in her mouth while she viciously curses at it. Weirdo.. or should I say "Weirdale"...
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