I'm back in Ohio again this week - cleaving to Cleveland - Acking in Akron - Selling in Salem... All of the above.
I was up at about 4 a.m. to get to the airport for a 7 a.m. flight. Got in and on the plane - we pushed away from the gate - and then we circled the airport a couple of times and about 45 minutes later, pulled over and the captain let us know that we were in a line to take off because of weather that was coming in. Apparently they were trying to get everyone out before the storm and our pilot was hoping that we would be one. I had actually nodded off during the whole circling escapade so when he made the announcement I opened my eyes and looked out the window and was greeted with this black sky billowing towards us.

As we sat there, little pellets of rain started to hit the window and the pilot came back on and said - it looked like we weren't going to beat the storm so we'd have to sit tight.

And then it REALLY came in... The rain was torrential and the plane started shaking - it felt like we were taking off. The pilot said the winds were registering at 49 mph. The scary thing is that we were in one of those smaller planes, not the big ones.

I stopped into two neighboring accounts and then decided to just get to a Starbucks and get some work down. Driving there, I could see those same nasty clouds rolling into OH and by the time I got to the Starbucks, I had to sit in my car waiting for the same storm to roll over.

Incidentally, all day I was trying to call into the office with no luck - calling home, no luck. Tried to download my e-mails - no luck. I found out that power everywhere was down - they had closed the company as they were running on an emergency generator. They don't know if they'll be open tomorrow as they're not sure how long they'll have to run and how well they can run on the emergency generator. Its nice they all got an unexpected day off - not for me :(
Oh - and thank goodness we had those big trees taken down in the yard as we'd probably be replacing a roof around now instead of just the gutters!
And of course, I must end with my precious puppy enjoying a drive in the breeze - there's nothing like the summer wind in your hair and your nose out the window!

Here's one little project that I'm finally finishing up. Its a postcard swap that I'm doing from another blog that I follow. Its an art thing - swap your art. We had to put our art on a postcard and then send five postcards to this woman along with 5 address labels with my name on it and postcard stamps. This means, that I'm going to be getting 5 postcards as well from other people I don't know. Its a cool way to "meet" new people and to see some cool art. I'm already feeling intimidated as Kat, the blog that I follow, posted a picture of some of the envelopes she received that had people's postcards in them. Totally artsy... I haven't sent mine yet and I may just take a few extra minutes tomorrow to snazz mine up -- who am I joking - I won't have time to do that! I have 4 accounts I have to visit and then I have to be a "moderator" for a pump installation at an account at 10:30 p.m., an install which will probably take at least 5 hours. Maybe I'll bring the envelope and decorate it during those 5 hours.... Hmmm.....

Just in case you want to check out Kat's blog and the Liberate Your Art swap...
1 comment:
OK, so I just unpacked your postcards and can't believe you work so close to me in Corvallis! Wow!! Let's do lunch sometime or meet for a photo walk or something. Email me!!
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