I have to start with a picture of the two cutest puppies that ever wagged their tails! Ok, one of these dogs is not like the other - one is cuter than the other :) You decide which one... hint hint...
Today was crazy day, but I had been glancing at the garden since I got home the other day and I figured, when it got cooler this evening, I decided to head out and get a little weeding and such done. My cucumbers are actually growing quite nicely and my tomatos have some tomatos on the plant, they just seem to be growing out rather than up. Weird, huh?
So, here's my question to the world, what is a good bug, animal whatever deterrant as I think something is nibbling on my basil plants. My hair stylist told me to do dish soap, but I didn't ask her to expound so I don't know if you mix it with water and spray it on? Anyone, any ideas?

These are dad's roses in the back in the garden. They're actually doing ok and I can maintain them because its not so overwhelming. All of his roses are going crazy this year blooming. I think its because when I winterized them, I cut them down to basically nubs and I never cut them that low before. They're really gorgeous this year!

Unfortunately, this is the front garden :( The roses are going great, but the weeds are even better and I just never have time to go out there - even if I did, I just get overwhelmed. So, I just called a landscaper the other day and he's going to come by to give an estimate to clean the front garden up. I just don't have the time but I can always pay someone :)

SO - here's my other question to the world out there -- I'm asking for some feedback. So, we're getting new gutter put on and they're these Gutter Maxx things that have a lifetime warranty and won't clog and all this other stuff -- in other words, they're up there to stay. So -- they have about 25 colors to choose from and I know the house is green now - but the house is green because dad wanted it green. Mom mentioned that she had been thinking about painting it like a almond or brownish color.... Who knows if it will wind up something else. SO - what color gutters? I actually chose white - I figured it would go with everything. There was a linen color that was white but with a hint of brown. There were a ton of tan and brown colors but I don't know if we should commit to a color color.... HELP -- some feedback please!
Okay, let’s see if I can remember everything . . .
1. All the furry creatures like deer and rabbits love basil! So put up a fence around it or sit there with a shotgun 24/7, or leave an Airedale on a leash somewhere nearby to scare off predators. Oh, and feed the Airedale once in a while – unless of course, it catches and eats a deer or rabbit!
2. How old are the gutters on the house now, and what is wrong with them? As far as new gutters go, I think they should match the roof; unless Mom plans to re-shingle the roof too? And I know it’s none of my business – but does she have a budget for all this? I wouldn’t be too quick to replace anything these days unless it was going to save me more on repairs and upkeep than to just replace.
3. The roses look nice. Have you both thought of moving the flowers to the back and the vegetable garden up front where there is much more sun? I suggested that to Dad years ago, but he had a lot more planting room in the back at that time, and didn’t want to cut back on quantity. Your vegetable garden and rose garden are about the same size now though, yes?
4. Dog on the left is way, way cuter (that’s the right answer, – right?)
Thanks for the updates!
I respond to nothing except - which left? If you were facing the dogs' back? That would be the correct left - facing dogs' front is incorrect answer.... I speak to you no more....
ah - you know those airedales . . they all look alike to me
Hey - did you get the e-mail I sent you? I sent it to the msn address which could very possibly be really old.... let me know...
The one on the left. As they are facing you. Definitely. Hands down.
This conversation is like SO July 1st..... :)
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