So heres the thing I've discovered about me...
I'm tired...
Remember how I said I've flown 100,000 miles....
That being said, I forget tons of junk!
- I forget where I park my car at the airport...
- I forget I DID NOT park my car at the airport (I took the train and then paniced as I had my keys but no clue where the car was...)
- I forget to pack my toothbrush
- I forget to pack my deodorant (both of these quite frequently :( )
- I forget to eat or if I've eaten
- I forget to put my mascara on so my eyes look like really freaky (that just happend today)
- My favorite - I very often forget what city I'm in
- I forget where I've been
- I forget where I got my rental car from (I've often drove my car into the wrong rental car lot - Avis when its Hertz, vice versa)
I could go on - but I think you get the idea that I get completely discombobulated when I'm travelling. Oy - its just gotten worse. I think its the frequent lack of pure oxygen on those airplanes :)
Well, tomorrow I'm off to....... dang --- WHERE AM I??!!!!
Sounds like you need a secretary!
Are you applying?
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