Monday, May 10, 2010

Seiko Comes From Japan

This past week, my friend Seiko came from Japan. She lives a few hours outside of Tokyo and has been wanting to come back to the states to get her graduate degree in counselling. When I was there last year, she was talking about going back to California and I mentioned Trinity International University in Bannockburn to her. She looked into it and was interested enough to make the trek to come and visit the campus. She was there for classes on Thursday and loved it. I had to work at Northwestern on Friday so I brought her downtown Chicago with me and she wandered around until I met up with her later and showed her some city sights.

She loved the area and the school and commented how people are so much more friendly here than in CA. She needs to retake the TOEFLs and then get all the rest of her application in if she ends up feeling led to come. I'm praying she does :)

Here are some picts from her visit.

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