Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I actually had a pretty cool birthday weekend!  I have friends and family who normally do stuff for me, but this year, everyone really went all out!  Literally ....

The Sunday evening before my bday, another friend and I co-celebrated our birthdays with YoYoMa at Ravinia with 3 other friends.

And then the night before my birthday, Friday night, I was working downtown so Kim was swell and took me for the amazing Friday night special at Wildfire (ahhh salmon stuffed with mushrooms in this amazing sauce that you want to roll around in...) and then we departed from friends there to go down to the rooftop bar, Dec, and meet another friend.

And then Saturday I got texts and phone calls all day wishing me a happy birthday.  I'm ashamed that I'm horrible at remembering other people's bdays...:(. I'm trying but half the time I don't even remember how old I am on my bday so its natural, and not personal, that I wouldn't remember other people.... Right?

In the evening my super amazing cousin Debbie had the family over to celebrate me and my other cousin Sandy who's birthday is also in August.

And then of course my darling Calvin:) helped me celebrate with a good hour walk around the dp...

A great way to be reminded that you're getting old - but seriously, I can't think of a better way of spending a birthday!

Thanks to all involved in the makings of such great celebrations!

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