Saturday, January 21, 2012

This Ones For Portland

So I've been wanting to try that new show Portlandia because I've seen a few blurbs so I figured I'd try to pull it up on Hulu.  It doesn't play full episodes, but it does clips.....

This clip speaks enough.

You gotta give it to Portland - here's for you, Karl!


Karl said...

hulu isn't working for me, but I've seen the 'ordering the chicken' a few times. Oh, how we love our town.

Alison B said...

Fixed it -- when all else fails - look to You Tube!

Pat said...

Seriously--I'm becoming Dad. Karl, you're not alone in channeling him...I found this clip sooo annoying. I know it's an exaggeration of the truth, but still. Seriously annoying.

But funny!!