Monday, April 19, 2010


Crazy day!

I had to have Bailey spend the night last night because I had made an appointment for the dogs to get groomed as they were both getting pretty stinky and sticky. Unfortunately, their appointement was at 7 a.m. - hence the sleepover.

After dragging them in and leaving Calvin yowling in the back room for his mama... I ran home, changed and then ran back to work.

WHERE -- I immediately sat in my little cube and pulled up a laboriously long slide show I've been working on for two seminar presentations this week. Its kind of last minute because I've been trying to get a response as far as presentation length from the woman heading up the seminar, and she finally, today, just let me know I have an hour and half . Yikes! I had trimmed it down because I thought I had too much, now I have to bulk it back up to get more.

At about 11:45, the groomers called and I picked Bo Didley and Yoo Hoo up and because they were crying so forlornly, I stopped at the dog park and allowed them a quick romp. Whereupon, Bailey immediately dived into the mirky stream that runs through the park. AND, as Calvin trotted so obediently past her (as I had warned them to stay out of the water....) I noticed that he was way too fuzzy still. SO - after the dp, I ran lickety split right back to the groomers and had them trim him down. Then - back home - and then - back to work.

WHERE -- I continued to labor on my presentation until quittin time. I printed the monster off and am going to peruse through it tonight to rack up my final changes tomorrow.

After work - a quick run and then home to make dinner for mom. Tonight it was stuffed shells in a shrimp sauce with asparagus. No - not Julia -- it was half from a frozen bag and half improvised with a few additions. Turned out good though. Clean up...

And now - I actually have a minute to sit and READ! I'm on my way to finishing Julia and starting on Under the Tuscan Sun. I'm guiltily spouting this off on the blog, while I know I still have a dozen or more e-mails that I need to respond to -- but I'm plum tuckered out so -- if you're reading this and I owe you and e-mail.... Sorry :)

1 comment:

Karl said...

I just have one burning question: which one is Bo Didley and which one is Yoo Hoo ?