Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Snowy East

This morning, we dropped mom off at the airport to fly down to South Carolina. She's going down to stay with Aunt June for about 3 weeks. Aunt June has been going through some treatments for the bladder cancer she has and I know the days she has chemo she gets wiped out. Her sister, Auntie Clarece, just left the end of last week and she's had someone there almost the whole time since she found out about the cancer at Christmas.

Calvin came with us, but he was pretty happy to get home to his snowbanks on the back porch. Its the perfect little chair for his little touche. :)

Now the snow update from the east....

When I landed in New York, I couldn't really tell they had that much snow. But once I started driving out into Conneticut, you could definitely see it more. Although, I really do think that it looked like we had more snow in Chicago, but I suppose its just because they've had snow longer than we've had.

Both days I was there, they had some major ice. The weather was a little warm and the sun was out and everything was just coated in ice. The trees looked gorgeous with the diamond-like sparkles in all the branches when the sun came through. I can't say I'm hoping for that shiny sparkle in our trees...

On the way to the hotel I stopped in the little town of Milford. It was a really cute New Englandy town that was right on the water.

1 comment:

Karl said...

some of these pictures are really awesome; especially the one with the sun through the trees