Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grab A Coffee - And A Cookie -- PLEASE! :)

We finished up the Cookie Exchange and now we have a literally butt-load of cookies... seriously ... my butt is now loaded with cookies.  And there's more where those came from so - PLEASE - come and have some cookies with us.....

These were my Grandma Behn's Molasses Cookies - the recipe is like 3 blog posts below.  They're so yummy... I always do them the chewy way not the crunchy way.  They're awesome when they're fresh.

 Boxed up and ready to ship to my three "receivers".  Hope everyone enjoyed - I'm sure by the time they arrived they were in the crunchy state which is also doable since thats a baking option.

Here are two other cookie batches that we got.  This first one was my favorite.  They were so adorably wrapped and they were such a creative recipe - that was good to boot!  You can find the recipe for Speculoos at the attached link.  Such a cute logo and such great cookies!  THANK YOU!

Here's one mom got from Courtney at  Yummy Ginger Apple Cookies.  Thanks from Carol, Courtney!

1 comment:

Courtney @ Bake. Eat. Repeat. said...

So glad you enjoyed the cookies! I hope they stayed soft and chewy too!