Tuesday, June 3, 2014

International Day!

My schedule got quite tweaked around this week.  I now don't go to southern IL until tomorrow.  So that meant I had Monday and today to do office work, to get out and hit the running trail, AND to get together with my friend Melanie to do our Bible study.  I haven't felt so connected and "normal" (to those smart comment on smart tongues - shut up...:) in a long time!

I've been just sitting with my two laptops open this morning and my personal one keeps on popping up with all these emails from my international friends.  I have a friend from Hungary in town and they'll be staying with me in the coming week.  I have a Hungarian friend who just graduated high school and will be coming to Moody in the fall and she just emailed to let me know she is now the proud owner of a student visa.  And I have a Hungarian friend who I've been thinking about lately and have been meaning to email her and our of the blue she emailed me.  My Romanian friend just got back to Romania and was texting me.  I just got a package in the mail from my friend in China.  A cousin of a friend from Scotland just emailed me from England where she's a dr, and she'll be coming over this way in October and will stay a few days with me.  I emailed a person in Taiwan, in Colombia and in Dominican Republic about some work I'm doing with some international students.  I also just heard from my friend Laura in India and was just talking about my friend Seiko in Japan.  I've just been told that I'm going to be sent to Quebec (an exotic international location:) and will possibly have to return to China in August.  I'm feeling extremely internationally connected today!

And tomorrow I have to drive 5 hours down to Litchfield, IL -- not very international....

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